Deye vs SunSynk Hybrid Inverter Comparison | 2023
Undoubtedly, the Deye & SunSynk Hybrid inverters are among the most popular solar power inverter brands in South Africa. They have both received excellent reviews from both consumers and installers alike.
They look similar and have similar specifications, so what is the difference between a Deye and SunSynk Inverter?
In this guide, we’ll go through what sets these two hybrid solar inverters apart so that you can decide which would best suit your needs.
Solar Inverter Manufacturers
Who Manufactures Deye, Fusion & SunSynk
Ningbo Deye Inverter Technology Co., Ltd. (Deye) manufactures the SunSynk Inverters, hence the likeness in appearance and the inverters’ near identical parameters.
You may have seen the black Fusion Hybrid Inverters in circulation, which are rebranded Deye inverters.
When it comes to Deye/Fusion vs SunSynk, there is a slight difference between them in terms of their parameters, but the main differences are in the user interface & software.



Inverter Parameters
We must compare the parameters of the Deye and SunSynk pure sine wave inverters. To do so, we need to examine their datasheets. Below them, you’ll find a side-by-side comparison of the main parameters and their differences.

Deye vs SunSynk Comparison
Deye 5kW Hybrid Inverter Model: 5k-SG01LP1
Battery Input Data
Battery Voltage: 40-60V
Max Charge & Discharge Current: 120A
DC Input Data
Max DC Input Power: 6500W
MPPT Range (V): 125-425V
PV Input Current (A): 13A+13A
Number of MPPTs: 2
AC Output Data
Rated AC Output Power: 5000W
Max AC Output Power: 5500W
Peak Output Power: 1000W for 10 seconds
AC Output Rated Current (A): 21.7A
Power Factor: 0.8 leading to 0.8 lagging
SunSynk 5kW Hybrid Inverter Model: 5k-SG01LP1
Battery Input Data
Battery Voltage: 40-60V
Max Charge & Discharge Current: 120A
DC Input Data
Max DC Input Power: 6500W
MPPT Range (V): 150-425V
PV Input Current (A): 13A+13A
Number of MPPTs: 2
AC Output Data
Rated AC Output Power: 5500W
Max AC Output Power: 5500W
Peak Output Power: 1000W for 10 seconds
AC Output Rated Current (A): 22.7A
Power Factor: 0.95 leading to 0.95 lagging
Inverter Comparison: User Interface
So the real difference between the Deye/Fusion and Sunsynk brands lies within the user interface. While they look very different, you can still access the same settings.
To illustrate the differences in their user interface, let’s compare their homes screens.
Deye Inverter Home Screen

Deye’s home screen is straightforward and easy to understand. It displays your load, solar power production and usage, battery charge and discharge and grid consumption.
Additionally, you have access to the settings menu via the cog on the top right of the screen, and it shows you the date and time. When your system functions correctly, the centre will display “ON”, but if there is a fault, that code will be shown there instead.
SunSynk Inverter Home Screen

SunSynk’s home screen is a little more complex. For example, it shows you your solar power production and usage, battery charge and discharge and your grid consumption in graph format.
You can also access the basic menu items on the right by tapping the cog button on the top right. You also have your name, date, time and serial number of the inverter. The fault code is also displayed on the screen if any faults occur.
Inverter Comparison: Wifi Connectivity
Both the Deye inverter and SunSynk inverter can connect to an app via wifi. However, SunSynk has its own app, while Deye customers use either the Solar Man App or Solar Assistant to connect to their inverter to find their consumption and production data.
Solar Man is a downloadable app available for both iOS and Android users. It provides detailed historic data, is completely free to download and access and has an easy to use battery reserve function.
It does not provide real-time data.
SunSynk’s Connect App is very similar to Solar Man and SolarAssistant. It provides real-time and historic data access, and you can remotely access settings via the app.
The app is free to download and use for both iOS and Android users.
Inverter Comparison: Prices
Finally, the last inverter comparison to make is the cost. Below, we’ll compare the 5kW, 8kW and 12kW inverters.

5kW Hybrid Inverter: R 24,728.00
8kW Hybrid Inverter: R 37,374.00
12kW (3-Phase) Hybrid Inverter: R 50,500.00

5kW Hybrid Inverter: R 27,485.00
8kW Hybrid Inverter: R 42,780.00
12kW (3-Phase) Hybrid Inverter: R 60,375.00
Both brands provide top-notch inverters, and you could not find a better option.
Both brands offer quality products with a built-in BMS (Battery Management System) that acts as a battery charger and controls your Li-ion batteries (lithium-ion) solar battery’s charge and discharge rates. They also include a solar charge controller.
They both have anti-islanding protection, which is especially important when you are grid-tied and feedback to the grid. You are also able to connect an alternative source of power, like a wind turbine or generator, for backup, although, this is quite a complicated task. They also have a maximum efficiency of 97.6%.
However, if the interface and software are a deal breaker, then SunSynk Inverter is for you.
On the other hand, since the cost of Deye’s products plus the device needed for SolarAssistant is nearly the same as that of SunSynk’s products. As a result, the bigger the size of the inverter, the more money you save. In addition to this, the Solar Man app includes remote battery settings, thus making the Deye Inverter a more affordable choice. So if you want to save some extra money for a nearly identical product, Deye is the perfect option.
If you’re unsure about the Deye or SunSynk options, I hope this Inverter Comparison guide has shed some light on which brand better suits your needs.